We went to a wedding this weekend for our good friends, Jay and Court. It was a GORGEOUS wedding, but whoever told me it was a good idea to drink champagne all night at an open bar is a rat bastard.
Oh wait, pretty much everyone I saw suggested it might NOT be a good idea to drink champagne all night, and I didn't fucking listen. Whomp, whomp.
I managed to keep it together for most of the wedding, (except for when I knocked over a glass of wine all over a girl standing next to me, and at dinner when I got my camera strap wrapped around my fork and dumped beans and squash in my lap.)
The after party at a local bar was a blast, and I broke my champagne binge and switched to draft beer (another stellar decision on my part.) This is what I remember from the rest of the night:
Managed to snap a photo of Memory Flash #2. |
Memory Flash 1: A SUPER tall guy gets arrested at the bar for stealing some chick's purse (K dubbed him Jolly Green Purse Snatcher)
Memory Flash 2: Somebody gets punched in the face and stabbed, so there was an ambulance and police cars. I managed to snap a photo of this:
Memory Flash 3: K and I are in the lobby of the hotel drinking beers with kids we just met. A dog shows up, her name is Molly.
Memory Flash 4: Drinking MORE beers in the hotel room.
I awoke the next morning long after the complimentary breakfast was over to the worst hangover I have EVER had. EVER.
I could barely lift my head, I opened my eyes slowly to assess my surroundings only to discover that I had spilled the red beer IN BED and slept on the puddle. Score.
The beer that I slept in a puddle of. SCORE! |
The drive home was the longest of my life, and I made K do 25mph for the entire 2 hours. There was much honking and passing at and of our car, but I didn't care. We finally made it home and passed out for the rest of the day, only waking up to eat a shitload of Chinese food, watch 2 episodes of X-Files and go back to sleep.
A good time was DEFINITELY had by all.